intital photo

Tool for PED technologies selection is an easy-to-use web-based tool for cities aiming to guide them in the decision-making route for selecting different technical and non-technical solutions that could help them to achieve the Positive Energy District (PED) concept.

The tool offers three main functionalities:

  • Create PED scenario to build up a PED scenario by answering a questionnaire designed for this purpose
  • Modify PED scenario to edit an already existing PED scenario
  • PED technologies explorer to examine the catalogue of PED technologies

The Tool for PED technologies selection is the result of a successful collaboration between ATELIER and Making City H2020 Projects for supporting the promotion of PEDs as a powerful instrument to be a step closer in the energy transition towards the desired city.

Create a PED scenario image

(Only registered users)

Modify a PED scenario image

(Only registered users)

Explore technologies image